2012 Cork-Austausch
Anreise: Am Mittwoch, den 26. September war es so weit. Endlich ging es los nach Irland.
2012 Cork-Austausch
Anreise: Am Mittwoch, den 26. September war es so weit. Endlich ging es los nach Irland. Am Abend kamen wir an der Ashton School Cork an und wurden von unseren Gastfamilien abgeholt, dann fuhren sie uns nach Hause, wo sie uns alles zeigten.
2. Tag: Am Donnerstag gingen wir zum ersten Mal in die irische Schule und durften dort einen ganz normalen Schultag (bis 16.00 Uhr Ortszeit) erleben.
3. Tag: Am Freitag verbrachten wir unseren Tag wieder in der Schule und besuchten anschließend einen Workshop in der Kantine, wo wir über Kommunikation gesprochen haben und Spiele spielten.
4. Tag: Am Samstag gingen wir alle zusammen (die Iren und die Deutschen) nach Cork, um zu shoppen und ein paar Sehenswürdigkeiten zu sehen.
5. Tag: Am Sonntag unternahmen wir alle etwas mit unseren Gastfamilien, wie zum Beispiel Surfen oder Bowlen.
6. Tag: Am Montag besuchten wir mit unseren Austauschschülern und den Lehrerinnen das Bunratty Castle in Limerick und einen Kleiderworkshop im Huntmuseum.
7. Tag: Am Dienstag nahmen wir bis 11.00 Uhr Ortszeit am Unterricht teil und besuchten danach das Cork City Gaol (ein altes Gefängnis). Danach fuhren wir wieder zur Schule, um von dort aus mit unseren Austauschpartnern nach Hause zu fahren.
8. Tag: Am Mittwoch hatten wir bis 13.20 Uhr Ortszeit Unterricht und anschließend tanzten wir mit den Iren und den Lehrerinnen Ceili (irischer Tanz). Danach trafen wir uns alle wieder in Cork City.
9. Tag: Am Donnerstag verbrachten wir unseren Tag wieder in der Schule und nahmen bis 16.00 Uhr Ortszeit am Unterricht teil.
Abreise: Am Freitag, den 5. September mussten wir uns dann auf die Rückreise machen. Um 7.00 Uhr Ortszeit trafen wir uns alle mit unseren Gastfamilien an der Schule und stiegen in den Bus ein, der uns zum Flughafen Kerry brachte. Von dort aus flogen wir dann nach Frankfurt Hahn, um danach mit dem Bus zum Lessing Gymnasium Köln zu fahren, wo uns unsere Eltern abholten und wir nach Hause fuhren.
Der Austausch war ein tolles Erlebnis, welches jeder Schüler des Lessing Gymnasiums einmal erleben sollte. Es waren einfach wundervolle 10 Tage und die Gastfamilien waren sehr nett und herzlich. Wir würden es jederzeit wiederholen!
Von Anna-Lena Graf und Joy Laferé
Weitere Eindrücke der Deutschen und Iren in Cork und Köln:
Cologne in Cork 2012
It is very green here! The school is very small and most of the houses are small, too. The pupils must wear uniforms. In Ireland the people are very polite and they have much time. In Cologne the people are often in a hurry. A big difference is: people are driving on the left. I think Cork is a cool and pretty city.
…My host family is really nice and I like the school as well. Cork is cool….
I like it to be in Cork, because it is very green and the beach is beautiful. There are big waves.
I like the school here but the uniforms are strange. And sometimes the teachers are strict.
I like Ireland. The people here are always nice and polite, so you can feel at home on the exchange. It rains a lot in Ireland, but then it doesn’t look as dark as in Germany, it is green.
The houses are beautiful, because they all have different colours.
Cork in Cologne 2012
The people are so friendly here …My family is so kind and I learned much. I am great friends with my partner’s mother and sister! At first I was so nervous and scared but now I’m comfortable with my family and lucky I got such a good one! The food here is so good. Cork is nothing compared to Cologne! I made great friends and will definitely come back one day.
Oh my god
Glamorous (compared to Cork!)
E ducation- I’ve learned so much, and it has really helped me with my German!
eX cellent- It’s been the best thing to happen to me in ages, and it’s been amazing!
C hange- a lot is different here, but in a good way… and I don’t really want to go home!
H appiness- I’ve had the best time, and I’m always happy!
A gain- I want to come back again to see my partner as much as possible!
N ew friendships- I’ve made friends with nearly all of my German class, and get on extremely well with my partner!
G reat- It was so good that I would recommend it to anyone, I love it!
E xcitement- not a moment has been dull, and it was very well organised!
I have really enjoyed the exchange to Germany because I have made so many new friends and I really liked the school. 😀 We did really fun things like the chocolate factory, Haribo and a questionnaire around Bonn :). I’m really looking forward to see everyone when we are older because they are really nice and funny people 🙂
Rachel (Ireland) + Joy (Germany):
The German exchange has been one of the best experiences of my life. I’ve had great fun as well as learned lots about German culture and lifestyle.
There are many differences between Ireland and Germany.
Firstly school is very different. It is much bigger in size and it has much more pupils. Also school is much more relaxed than in Ireland. In Ireland it is much stricter. I think that the idea of having five minutes between classes is great; we don´t have this in Ireland – we have to go straight to our next class. I also like starting and finishing school earlier. It leaves more time for other ‚fun´ things!
The buses here are also different. They are much fuller here than in Ireland and they have more than one part to the bus. The buses in Ireland aren´t as long and you nearly always get a seat!
I also love the food here. I really like the rye bread – it´s much nicer than our brown bread at home! I love all the cold meats and cheeses too. They are so yummy!!!
On the exchange we did lots of really fun things. We went to the cathedral, the house of history, the chocolate museum (delicious!) ,the Haribo shop and we also went to Porz and Bonn. They were all equally amazing! I think my favourite place was the Cathedral, because it was so beautiful and the architecture was fantastic.
I would definitely go on the exchange again. I love my partner because she is so nice, friendly, funny and easy to get along with.
I think that Germany is a really nice country. The people are very friendly and my partner and family I´m staying with are very kind as well. Schools in Germany are quite different to the ones in Ireland as they are allowed to talk in class and the teachers are less strict. They don´t get as much homework as we do but get more tests. I’m really enjoying the experience as I find it very helpful, fun and interesting. (Karen)
Guten Tag!
Ich liebe Deutschland! Deutschland ist toll! I have loved being in Germany, there are things which are different between Ireland and Germany and things which are the same! Some things which are the same are: that we both have the same weather at the moment, cold and a bit wet, although it is wetter in Ireland! Different is that in Germany you don’t clap your hands, you bang your knuckles on the table, which I found very funny! Other things that are different: in Germany you stand and greet your teacher, ‚Guten Morgen……´and in Ireland we would never do that! I love my exchange partner. S he is ’sehr nett‘. She took me to Köln on the 11.11 and we saw everyone dressed up, I saw a man in a chicken suit, a bunny suit and many other things. I found this very strange as we have nothing like it in Ireland! I want to come back for the carnival.
I want to thank you so much for doing all the work you did for helping on the exchange. I really had a fabulous time and I will never forget it! So thank you!
Hier ist ein Zeitungsbericht zum Austausch zu finden: Zeitungsbericht